Multifamily Investment Sales Analysis

Complete monthly DCF analysis with dynamic variable assumptions including: custom timing for all costs & capex, rent roll / renovation & absorption schedules, capital stack (ie: acquisition or construction loan, mezz, perm/refi with multiple sizing parameters, LP equity, & GP equity), and more. Analysis deliverables include comprehensive summary page with key metrics like profit, IRR, equity multiple, sensitivity analysis, debt service coverage ratio, annual summaries & snapshots, and much more.

"What's in the package?"

The video tutorial covers it all, but the high points are as follows:

  • Custom PDF Analysis: Illustrated in both the comprehensive video walk-through, and Sample PDF

  • Two Updates: We understand that deal information is not always as straightforward as it should be, often arriving piecemeal or becoming stale as new variables come to the forefront. As such, we’ve included in this deal package two complementary updates to account for unforeseen changes

  • Alkaline Discussion: A video presentation with our team to discuss your analysis

“How do I get started?”

  • Step 1: Purchase the Multifamily Investment Sales Analysis

  • Step 2: Upon purchase, you will receive a download link to an "Inputs Sheet"

  • Step 3: Fill out the “Inputs Sheet” per the file’s instructions

  • Step 4: Email the Inputs Sheet in an attachment to (The Input Sheet instruction section has a step by step tutorial)

  • Step 5: Schedule time to review the analysis with Alkaline

  • Step 6: Review the analysis PDF with Alkaline on a video call, and discuss next steps, if needed

Multifamily Investment Sales Analysis
Purchase Analysis

For more information, please contact